This is a quick post to provide links to the brand names for this radio:
Chongqing Guohe Electronics Q900
Ailunce HS2
Radioddity QR20
Note: Ailunce is not a misspelling for Alliance.
A Few Notes:
- The Guohe Electronics website has improved greatly in just the last few weeks. Looks like they are getting serious about supporting this radio.
- While I am making the assumption that these radios are all the same or very similar, I do not know the results of using one brand firmware on a different brand radio. It is possible that different radios do in fact have component changes or boot loader changes. [highlight]Using a different firmware may permanently render the radio unusable (brick).[/highlight] See below.
- I am listing the vendor brands together like this only as a reference.
Firmware Installation Methods:
Q900 Radios that show HW: 2.0 (or later, presumably) can be updated using a USB Flash Drive. Installing a separate Bootloader file is unnecessary at this time. The DeFuseDemo Software, and instructions that reference it are not applicable to currently shipping versions of this radio (Summer 2022). HW version can be found in the Info App in the Menu (The screen with the Icons). This also means that upgrading the radio using Linux (or any operating system) is not an issue. Just copy the Firmware file to the root of provided USB drive (or any USB drive). Be sure to rename the file on the USB drive to FW-NEW.bin (no matter the version). With the radio OFF, insert the drive into the full size USB connector on the back of the radio (you cannot use the USB-C jack even if you have a USB-C compatible Flash Drive), and turn the radio on. The firmware update will happen automatically. Follow on-screen prompts.
Note: Bin Files and DFU files are different. Renaming a file with a .dfu suffix to .bin will not work, and could brick the radio. All new FW files should be provided in the .BIN format.
More Firmware Information:
As mentioned the Chongqing Guohe Electronics website has gone from just a shell to a very nice looking website, including a manual (very similar to the others, but with some additional information) and 2 firmware versions. The latest software on the Guohe Electronics website is called FW-NEW_2.1.5.bin inside the zip. My radio said it had FW 3.0.0, so I knew that installing it could result in a downgrade, but I tried it anyway. Even though the file inside the zip had a date of 24 Jun 2022 (much later than when I received my radio), I ended up with a downgraded radio. While I did not test functionality, several of the applications in the Menu (Icon) screen were missing.
While I still chanced bricking, or at least rebrading the radio, the above situation prompted me to try the Radioddity QR20 firmware. The Raddiodity FW page had a newer firmware still marked 3.0.0, but dated "20220607" -- again -- later than the date I received my radio, so I gave it a shot.
My radio now reports HW: V3.0 and SW: V3.1.1. (HW: 3.0 is not a typo. That is what it says. I assume that refers to a Bootloader version). The radio also retains the Chongqing Guohe Electronics logo and my Callsign at startup, It also retained my programmed frequencies. I will continue to report FW issues and fixes in the previous post.
Apparently, the only difference between 3.0.0 and 3.1.1 (AKA 3.0.0 20220607) is a fix for a Bluetooth Headset issue. I am not expecting any other differences/fixes.
UPDATE: I can now report with some confidence that the Radioddity QR20 firmwares and the Chongqing Guohe Electronics Q900 firmwares seem to be the same. The Version 2.1.5 FW-NEW.bin from the Raddiodity site and the Chongqing Guohe Electronics page have the same md5sum result. The Ailunce Firmwares seem to follow a different numbering scheme, and are distributed in .dfu format.
I still suspect that the Ailunce firmwares are for the same hardware. According to some information, the Ailunce firmwares may even be ahead of the QR20/Q900 firmwares. For one,
this site has partially reverse engineered the HS2 firmware, and found several PIN's. These PIN's are the same as the PIN's in the QR20 and Q900 Firmwares. Note also that the linked github apparently mentions a V1.4.0 Ailunce
If anyone would like try loading a Ailunce .dfu firmware on their QR20 or Q900, please use the information at the top of this page to create an account, and post your result. Again, please note the cautionary statement above.
Check this thread often, as I will post information about new firmwares as I find them.||1660192180|admin|
Re: Ailunce HS2/Radioddity QR20/Q900 SDR|Administrator||1658181178|admin|xx|0||
New Firmware Information as of 17 July 2022:
The Guohe Electronics website now has a V3.0 firmware in FW-NEW.bin format. It is not a zip'ed directory -- no instructions or change log, just the raw bin file, so it may get lost with other files in your downloads directory, which IMHO, is a bit unprofessional. Note also Clicking on the small "books" icon will get you the 2.1.5 link. You have to click on the text to get the V3.0 FW. MD5sums verify that this file is identical to the latest Radioddity 3.0.0 file (AKA 3.1.1 or 20220607) This means that the Q900 and the QR20 both have identical firmwares as of this writing.
MD5 results for reference or just for the skeptical:
File downloaded from the Radioddity site:
Code: Select all
md5sum Downloads/Radioddity_QR20_Firmware_Update_V3.0.0_20220607(1)/Firmware/FW-NEW_V3.0.0_20220607/FW-NEW.bin'
0cd3623f56249ca1e147d11660fefde9 Downloads/Radioddity_QR20_Firmware_Update_V3.0.0_20220607(1)/Firmware/FW-NEW_V3.0.0_20220607/FW-NEW.bin
File downloaded from the Guohe Electronics site:
Code: Select all
md5sum Downloads/FW-NEW.bin'
0cd3623f56249ca1e147d11660fefde9 Downloads/FW-NEW.bin
I find the timing of this more than just a bit interesting. I'm sure Guohe Electronics properly developed, tested, and approved this FW for their radios. The thought that they just read my post saying it worked on my radio, grabbed it from the Radioddity site, and copied it to their website never even crossed my mind. ::)
Downloading the latest firmware on the Ailunce site [2022Version HS2 FW] results in a zip with a change log and a Firmware in .bin format. The date is that same 2022 06 07 date, and it mentions a version 3.1.1. I bet you will never guess what the md5 value for this file is...
Code: Select all
CW-Hi12:/storage/emulated/0/Download $ md5 Ailunce\ HS2\ FW-2022.6.7.bin
0cd3623f56249ca1e147d11660fefde9 Ailunce HS2 FW-2022.6.7.bin
Note: The md5 command looks a little different here because I did this one on an Android tablet. How did I get a Linux command line on an Android tablet? Android
is Linux, and you can easily get to a shell by installing an app like ConnectBot.
So as of this post, all 3 market names of this radio use the exact same firmware. The cautions above still apply in general, but md5 does not lie -- The firmwares are identical, and apparently will not rebrand your radio.
This brings up an obvious question -- Who is really doing the development for this radio? Is there some other company (or person, or "entity") leading development of this radio? Is there a development site out there someplace with even newer firmwares or test firmwares -- Maybe even source code?
If anyone would like to come forward with answers to the above questions, or contribute anything else to the discussion of this radio, please register [Self-Registration] to be enabled Soon.[