Rabbit R1 Escape

The Rabbit R1 - Specifically with Android 13 installed instead of the stock Rabbit OS.
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Rabbit R1 Escape

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Just a little summary of what works and what does not work on the Current Android 13 images from the RabbitHoleEscapeR1 \ r1_escape GitHub.

I am doing this A) So that anyone contemplating this understands what they will have if successful, and 2) In the hope that the more people that are working on this, the more it will improve.

First, A Cautionary word of non-Caution:

Short of a Mallet, AK-Style Weapon, or High Voltage, it's pretty hard to brick this (and MTK devices of similar vintage) due to the fact that the Boot ROM is masked (not burned) on the the chip. Ref: https://www.da.vidbuchanan.co.uk/blog/r1-jailbreak.html for an excellent write-up.

As long as you have an full and complete original image that is not blocked from updates by Rabbit, you should always be able to get back to stock.
See this issue on GitHub for a more complete backup (I cannot vouch for the authenticity of files provided by GitHub users)

That said, it is still very possible (and very easy) to get in over your head, and still end up with a soft-bricked paper weight (and it's not even very good at that.)

What Works with the Current Android 13 from GitHub (installing and doing Device Authorization):

The vast majority of a basic, small screen Android device
WiFi, 4G, 3G, 2G. WiFi Tethering, USB Tethering, Chromecast
Google Play Store
The scroll wheel works as Volume control, and can probably be mapped to scrolling with an App, or from ADB
Microphone, Internal Speaker
Google Search and Gemini (Audio/Typing only - See Below), Push to Talk
Camera Rotation to Front/Back/Privacy (See Below)
Most USB devices (Keyboard/Mouse, Storage, File Transfer, Tethering, Audio (I think)).

What Does Not Work with the Current Android 13 from GitHub:

Camera -- All Camera Apps, including image searching, etc. fail.
Bluetooth -- All classes of device appear to pair, but cannot connect. This includes Audio, HID, File sharing, Tethering.
Voice Calls (VoIP apps should work)
Scrolling on some apps/menus, including the Developer Settings (impossible to re-enable ADB from the Dev menu after the install)
Battery life is poor. (As far as I can tell, this is due to the small size of the battery, not to any excessive power use. In other words, this probably
cannot be fixed in software for either Android or Rabbit OS.)
Video (HDMI/DP) over USB is not supported by the hardware.

What's it good for?

Cool Looking, Small Hot Spot for WiFi or USB (with USB Tethering, the battery life is not an issue since it is being charged by the host device.)
Tiny Media Player for Streaming over Chromecast
As long as you text, and don't use Mobile Carrier Calling, it's a functional highly portable communications device.
AI device as originally intended, but with Google Gemini (Less camera).
Perhaps a Tiny and Cool looking pocket MAME Gaming Deck
Did I mention that it's Cook Looking?
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Re: Rabbit R1 Escape

Post by admin »

Other General Rabbit R1 Android 13 Notes

This thread will be updated as new information is discovered.

Phone Test Mode: Enter the following on the Phone App Keybaord: *#*#4636#*#*. (Same As other MTK Phones).

This thread edited form my Rabbit R1 Device Running Android 13 (AOSP)
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