I'd like to add a little bit of information to my "Have I Found Anything Radioactive?" report for the Polimaster 1208M Gamma Detector Watch
What follows is a detailed description of exactly how my Polimaster 1208M alerted me.
I was standing in a room in a building I do not normally visit. It is laid out similarly to a conference room, with a large table with chairs and a white board at one end. The table does not extend to the full length of the room, and people, including myself were standing in the open area behind the table. At least 20 people total -- counting those seated at the table, and those standing -- were present. There is a conferencing phone on the table.
At some point, I became aware of a beeping sound. At first, I thought someone had set an alarm (time based) on their watch or phone. I soon became aware that it was my watch that was beeping. I thought that was strange, because I did not remember setting an alarm (time alarm) on my watch.
I (obviously) wasn't thinking about Ionizing Radiation.
It was about this time that my brain started functioning

My Polimaster 1208M was in radiation alarm mode. By this time, other people were looking around to see who had an alarm set on there watch, and wasn't reacting to it. I pressed the backlight button to silence the alarm, and checked the display.
My next thought was that someone in the room had recently undergone a medical test. Those of us standing were packed in fairly tightly, so I figured that any one of them could have been the cause of the alarm. I was determined to discreetly find out who.
Once I felt that I no longer had eyes on me from the beeping, I began to subtly move around the room to see if counts increased near any particular individual. About this time, people started to leave. The counts did not increase or decrease. With only a few people left in the room, I discreetly began to "survey" the room. I stood in each corner of the room. I stood near pieces of furniture to see if there was something in a drawer.
Given the crowd of "mostly water" meat radiation shields (the other people) that were in the room when the radiation alarm started, if there was a single object in the room, I would have expected the source to be very obvious with the meat shields gone. However the readings did not increase in any part of the room. Suspecting an possible (and worrisome) external event, I exited the building. By the time I go to the parking lot, my Polimaster 1208M had returned to a normal backround indication.
Take Aways:
- The piezo speaker in the Polimaster 1208M is loud enough to be heard in a room with lots of (again "mostly water") sound absorbers, normal talking, a phone on speaker mode, and other sounds present in a room full of people.
- The piezo speaker in the Polimaster 1208M sounds just like any other vintage watch.
- While I was in the building for approximately 15 minutes before I became aware of the beeping and the sound, it does not mean that the Polimaster 1208M is not sensitive or is slow to react to react to danger. First, there was/is no danger. The radiation level (later verified with other equipment) was well below any hazardous (even for extended occupancy). Second, the 15 minutes includes my becoming aware of the beeping in a crowded room with other noise.