Accessory Recommendations

The Valve Steam Deck is a portable Gaming PC based on Linux. is not associated with the Designers or Sellers of these devices in any manner.
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Joined: 26 Dec 2023 13:05 Accessory Recommendations

Post by admin »

Originally posted on the old Forums. Accesory Recomendations|Administrator||1693403153|admin|xx|0||Here are a few Accessories that I find are great add-ons for the Steam Deck.

Anker 332 5-in-1 USB C Adapter (or similar)

anker_332.jpg (15.73 KiB) Viewed 11740 times
i]Photo from vendor website[/i] ... 6228144<br />(Note humorous spelling error in the current Target page for this product.  Note also that there is no &quot;W&quot; in the name of the company providing this product.  ::) ;D)

This USB-C hub provides two USB-3 ports,  two USB-C ports, and HDMI.  One of the USB-C ports provides pass-thru high rate charging.<br />Note that the Anker Hub must be powered via the pass-through port for the HDMI connection to work.  In Steam (Gaming) Mode only the external screen is active.  In Desktop mode, both screens can be used, making the Steam Deck a powerful full PC.  The Anker 332 does not provide Ethernet or a Card Reader.

The Anker 332 or other similar products are also less than half the price of the Steam Dock.

UPDATE:  I also tried a USB-3 Travel Hub with 3 USB ports and Ethernet.  In this case, the USB-C to USB-3 adapter that came with the webcam listed below was needed, but it worked, and when connected to a LAN that automatically issued an IP address, it connected to the Internet with no configuration needed.

<br />KANO - 1080 Webcam

Image<br />Photo from vendor website ... Id=6441690

The included USB-C adapter allows this webcam to mount nicely above the Steam Deck for video conferencing, or to be flipped around to work as a camera (a suitable camera app would be needed.).  To get it to work with Discord, all I did was press the image invert button on the camera. No configuration or driver installation was needed. The KANO Webcam includes a Macro lens, and a very pathetic selfie light. The picture quality is better than the webcam I'm using on my Desktop PC.

The included USB-C adapter is an essential travel accessory for the Steam Deck by itself, as it allows you to connect &quot;regular&quot; USB devices such as a USB Keyboard or a Flash (thumb) drive.

<br />USB or Bluetooth Keyboard


In this case, no particular product is singled out because there are many options out there.  I have used both an Apple A1314 BT keyboard, and an inexpensive plastic USB keyboard with internal 2 port hub.  The old Apple Aluminum keyboards are available as used or surplus for under $20, and the wired versions contain a 2 port hub.  There are numerous products now available with USB-C connectors, and even mini RGB gaming keyboards.  Check MacAlly to see their latest offerings. As mentioned, products like these transform the Steam Deck into a fully functional PC.  The keyboard pictured works well on the Steam Deck, and has been used with dozens of Tablet PC's and Tablets since the early days of

<br />USB-C Charger and Quality USB-C to USB-C cable.


The included charger, which does not have a removable cable, nor folding prongs, is not ideal for traveling with the Steam Deck.  I purchased a 30W Charger from Ross for less than $10.  This charger has a USB-A connector (18W max), and USB-C connector.  The USB-C Connector will provide up to 20 Volts @ 1.5A (note that the math works out).  While the official charger is rated at more power, the 30W adapter seems to keep the Steam Deck charged even while gaming, and when not gaming, it charges it almost as fast as the OEM charger.  Since it also has a &quot;normal&quot; USB-A connector. You don't need to carry a separate charger for your phone. However, it is important to note that it is rated at 30W max.  It will not charge your phone and the Steam Deck at full power at the same time.

I recommend a suitably rated, quality USB-C to USB-C cable as another essential travel accessory.
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Re: Accessory Recommendations

Post by admin »

<br />||1695219288|admin|

Originally Posted on the old Forums

Mini Review of the JBCE 8 in 1 MST Steam Deck Docking Station.

Image  Image<br />The JBCE 8 in 1 Steam Deck Dock.  Ports from left to right in the above picture:  Upstream USB-C cable, USB-C (power) Port, HDMI, Display Port, and (3) USB-3 ports.  On the sides (not visible) are the Ethernet and VGA connectors.

<br />At one location where I frequently use my Steam Deck, there is an available HP monitor.  This monitor, however, does not have an HDMI connection.  It has only Display Port, DVI, and &quot;Quaint&quot; old VGA connectors.

In what ended up being a great example of the Sunk Cost Fallacy, I ended up spending almost the cost of a new monitor to allow me to connect my Steam Deck to the Display Port connector on the HP monitor.

I'll leave out all my attempts that didn't work (or worked, but were not ideal), and cut to the solution that actually worked.

Amazon had the JCBE 8 in 1 Steam Deck Dock for only $18.99.  The dock arrived in 2 days.  Since I had already tried several other solutions, I had a short Display Port cable on-hand, so I located the JCBE dock under the monitor, and connected up the Steam Deck and the Display Port cable.

As with every almost every other peripheral I have tried, the Steam Deck correctly identified the HP monitor, and I instantly had a dual powerful dual display PC in front of me (dual displays are only supported in Desktop mode.  In Steam mode, an external monitor will mirror the Steam Deck's display)

Connecting the portable USB-C charger mentioned in the previous post allowed the Steam Deck to charge.

I next tried to connect my phone for use as a Modem, as there is no WiFi or Ethernet available at this location.

Well, this didn't work, and I should not have expected it to.  As I connected it, all (both?) available channels of the Steam Decks USB-C connector were being used as Display Port channels.  I disconnected the Display Port connector, connected the USB charging/tethering cable to my phone first, and then re-connected the Display Port connector.  The JBCE dock correctly allocated the available channels between Display Port and USB.  Now in theory, this would reduce the available bandwidth for the Monitor connected to the Display Port.  For example, 4K video was probably no longer possible, but the referenced monitor couldn't do 4K in it's wildest dreams, nor could it do any refresh rate where the lack of video channels would even begin to be an issue.

Yes, I could have tethered my Phone via WiFi (my current phone does not support BT tethering). The point here is to illustrate how the JCBE (and other hubs/docking stations) allocate the available wires in the USB-C connection between USB and display channels.

I also tried a few other common USB devices (simultaneously) in the JBCE's 3 available USB 3 ports -- The phone, a USB &quot;thumb&quot; drive, and the Dongle for a wireless mouse.

The above configuration, along with a BlueTooth keyboard, resulted in a very usable desktop system.

Just as with a USB 3/Ethernet hub tested before, The wired Ethernet connection on the JBCE dock also connected immediately, and without configuration or &quot;user intervention&quot; when connected to a network that supported DHCP.

I have not tested the HDMI connection, but I am sure it works just like the HDMI connector on the Anker USB-C hub mentioned in the first post of this thread.  I also didn't try the VGA connection, and frankly don't see a need to.  I'm sure it works, but the analog VGA signals are not going to have the quality of the other available ports.

I also want to mention that the extruded aluminum JBCE dock holds the Steam Deck very nicely. I does not block any usable part of the screen, and as long as the Steam Deck is centered or offset slightly to the left of the dock, it does not block or impede airflow to the Steam Decks air intake vents at all.

Complaints:  OK -- Nothings perfect, and if I really want to nit pick the JCBE 8 in 1 MST Steam Deck Docking Station, I can come up with a few things that could be improved.  First, another USB-C port, as on the hub mentioned in the first post, would be helpful.  Yes, I'd be willing to forego one of the USB-3 ports for a USB-C connector.  Secondly, the rather stiff USB-C connection to the Steam Deck is longer than it needs to be.  If traveling with the JCBE dock, I fear that the constant flexing may eventually damage the cable.  I like the metal connector and the very nice braided covering, but it would be nicer if it were a little shorter, and a little more supple.
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